
Showing posts from July, 2017

ORC European Championship 2017 🇵🇱⛵️💦🌊💨 - Refleksje...

Marina Gdansk i jacht Xini Freedom 🇫🇮🥇  Po czterach dniach zmagań na Zatoce Gdańskiej w ramach Żeglarskich Mistrzostw Europy ORC przyszedł czas na refleksje... co zapewne nie jeden skipper za chwilę to uczyni...

The Bottle of the Day #10 - Out of Hibernation - Ungava Canadian Premium Gin 🇨🇦

Ungava Canadian Premium Gin 🇨🇦 Ungava - where the Tundra meets the icy landscapes 🇨🇦.... Ungava is not only the region in the north of Canada, it is also the name of the Canadian Gin and in old Inuit means "towards the open water"...

ORC Polish Open Championships Gdańsk 2017 🇵🇱🏆

🇵🇱 Zatoka Gdańska to arena zmagań żeglarskich nie tylko w tegorocznych mistrzostwach Europy, również w mistrzostwach Polski #orcgdn17. 

ORC Championship - Getting Ready...⚓️

GoodSpeed 🇵🇱 Kogo nie ma na treningu na wodzie 🌊💨 ten siedzi na keji... przygotowania do mistrzostw ruszyły... ✅ Ciężka Praca ✅ Wjazd na maszt ✅ Zawody na najpękniejszy jacht  Citius-Altius-Fortius 🇬🇧 Who is not out on the water 🌊💨 just stays on the berth... ✅ Hard Work ✅ Top-Mast-Contest ✅ Top-Model-Contest Citius-Altius-Fortius Polled2 vs. Eljacht Aquatich vs. Falcon Lonely Every STEP you take MOVES you FORWARD

It’s WEEKEND - Who’s out on the Water? 🌊💨 🎦

🇵🇱 Polled2 Sailing Team - Kolejny dzień treningów ⛵️ - Mistrzostwa już za chwilę - ✅ Koncentracja ✅ Motywacja ✅ Team-Work 🇬🇧 Polled2 Sailing Team - Another Practice Day ⛵️ - Championships Soon - ✅ Focused ✅ Motivated ✅ Team-Work  Tomorrow Starts Today ❗️ Every STEP you take MOVES you FORWARD

ORC European Championship 2017 ⛵️💦 - 24 - 29th July 2017 Gdańsk 🇵🇱

ORC European Championship Gdansk 2017 🇵🇱 Odliczanie rozpoczęte ⬇️ - 9️⃣ dni do startu! Jedna z najważniejszych międzynarodowych imprez żeglarskich w 2017 - X Żeglarskie Mistrzostwa Europy ORC - odbędzie się w Gdańsku! 

ORC Worlds Trieste 2017 🇮🇹 - And the winner is 🏆🏆🏆....

ORC Worlds Trieste 2017 / Ph. A. Carloni 🇬🇧 The beautiful Gulf of Trieste, in the North Adriatic, was hosting the World Championship for offshore sailing from the 30th June to the 8 July. The ORC Worlds were completely dominated by Italian Teams. In Class A, the victory was finally taken by Vincezo Onerato and his Mascalzone Latino Team. Renzo Grottesi and his CSQ2 Sailing Team on the yacht BeWild won the ORC World Championship for Class B, and for Class C, Cesare Bressan and his Airis. All-amateur teams were ranked in Corinthian Class Trophies. In Class A the winner was Danilo Falzitti’s Zerocould. In Class B, Ermanno Galeati’s Reve de Vie. And in Class C the winner was Andrea Bazzini’s Extrema.  Congratulations 👏👏👏 Every STEP you take MOVES you FORWARD